Wednesday, 7 April 2021

An introduction to Past Life Regression Therapy

Hello and welcome to the very first blog of  रिiha- A step towards Liberation. This blog is an introduction to Past Life Regression Therapy. Hope you like it!

What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past life Regression Therapy or PLRT is a technique used to witness your past lives in order to cure a physical or mental issue or merely to explore and learn from your past. 

How does it work?

With the use of hypnotism, therapists take you to the time where your problem began- it could be a memory from your childhood, an in-utero memory (memory while you are in your mother's womb) or from a former life. The aim is to reach the time where the problem started and to heal it from its roots. PLRT is known to cure many diseases that modern medicine do not have a solution to. 

How was I introduced to it?

Two years ago, I was completely alien to the concept of PLRT. The whole concept of healing through hypnotism and meditation did not make sense to me. One day, I was introduced to this book called "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr Brian Weiss and my life has not been the same since then. 

A brief introduction to the book 

The author of the book, Dr Brian Weiss, is an American psychiatrist who has graduated from Columbia University and Yale Medical School. 

'Many Lives, Many Masters' is a story of Dr Brian's client- Catherine. Catherine approached Dr Brian for her issues of nightmares and anxiety. When traditional therapies did not work on her, Dr Brian decided to use hypnotism and what came next was a surprise to him as well. His client started witnessing past lives. This was a first for Dr Brian and to his surprise she started healing from her visions. He realised then that once you know that your issues are carried forward and you re-visit those memories, your mind starts releasing them. 

Since then Dr Brian has conducted various workshops and published multiple books highlighting the importance of past life regression therapy in order to heal oneself. 


To be honest, as interesting as I found the books and articles, I did not have 100% faith in it till I experienced it on my own at Amarantos. Amarantos is a Past life regression therapy centre in Bengaluru run by Dr Venu Murthy and Neha Murthy. Dr. Venu has more than a decade experience in the field of PLRT and has treated many people in the past. He also had the opportunity to attend Dr. Brian Weiss's workshop and I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to be personally trained by Venu.

My experiences at and after Amarantos made me realise how important it is to let go of the baggage that we are carrying not just since a few years or decades but probably since a few lifetimes. Hence, I introduce to you रिiha which is a Hindi word for "letting go". रिiha is a platform to understand PLRT, its process and its importance in order to heal and therefore live a fuller life. 

I will be writing more about PLRT and my personal experiences in the next blogs. Till then feel free to email me on for any information or clarifications.


  1. PLRT or past life seems very funny or some might say what stupidity it is. I used to think it exactly similar, until I met my therapist.

    PLRT isn't something magic, it's inner healing, which I experienced in my session. It helps you in relaxing and understanding more importantly listening what your inner-self is trying to communicate to you.

    It's a beautiful experience to have it, specially for people who want to relax their mind with everyday troubles.

    I would recommend PLRT through my therapist mehak, for her dedication and truly giving her heart and soul to her clients.

    Honestly , It's a three hour long process, which is no joke. She has patience, dedication and honesty towards her clients problem, which makes her stand apart from other therapist.

  2. Thank you so much! Honestly my clients are my teachers and I learn and grow with them. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work and grow with you. Wishing you all the happiness and healing 😇

  3. All the best my dear friend

  4. Wonderful..all the best Mehak

  5. This PLRT sounds something which is quite interesting and amazing. Will surely want to know more about it and may be try it personally as well. The blog is very informative and well written.

    1. Thank you Amar! Will keep you updated on my new blogs about the same :)

      Do plan a visit so we can try it personally too!

  6. Loved the first session! Found it highly liberating.Feel a light energy around me,Thank you!
